Tokens from $4.99/ea.
1 Token incl. per month
One User and Location
Use Your Forms and Scripts
No contracts - cancel anytime
Ideal for companies who are looking for credit attributes only.
Tokens from $4.99/ea.
1 Token incl. per month
Unlimited Users and Locations
Use Your Forms and Scripts
6 Predictive Lender LEAD Scores
No contracts - cancel anytime
Ideal for companies who run less than 25 sales appointments in a month, work with multiple lenders, and would like to create custom LEAD scoring for each lender.
Tokens from $4.99/ea.
3 Tokens incl. per month
Unlimited Users and Locations
Use Your Forms and Scripts
6 Predictive Lender LEAD Scores
Marketing and Lender Analytics
No contracts - cancel anytime
Ideal for companies who work with multiple lenders, would like to customize LEAD scores,
and see detailed reporting on credit trends.
Token Cost
Tokens incl. in Subscription
Setup Fee
Lender Predictive LEAD Scoring
PDF Export
Use Paperoute Provided Form
Member Provided Forms Allowed
Auto Token Renewal
Batch Uploads
Top 10 Credit Attributes
Lender Feedback
2 BONUS Attributes:
Company-wide Credit Trends
Marketing Channel Analytics
Location Analytics
Lender Analytics
Credit Profile Only
As low as $4.99
Credit + LEAD Scores
As low as $4.99
Credit + LEAD + Analytics
As low as $4.99
A token is charged every time you run a Paperoute™ and credit attributes are returned. You will not be charged if a customer's credit attributes are not found.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Any unused tokens will be forfeit.
Paperoute™ is unbiased on which lenders you use. You can create LEAD score models for any of the lenders you choose to work with.
Can I collect consent on my own?
Yes. Paperoute™ allows members to use their own forms and scripts to collect consent. During setup, new members are provided illustrations of several easy methods to adopt consent into their existing marketing channels.
Yes. Admins have full privileges while Managers are limited. Managers can run soft pulls and see results, but cannot purchase tokens, change subscriptions, create LEAD scores, and other tasks.
Feedback powers Paperoute's incredible reporting features.
© Copyright 2024. MAKE Enterprises LLC, DBA Paperoutetm. All rights reserved.
312 S. 4th Street 7th Floor
Louisville, KY 40202